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Home of the Bulldogs!

We are SO excited to have you on this exciting journey with us!

As the parent/coach, you play a critical role in your child’s learning as 1+1+1 = ignited! Here, the "1" represents the student, teacher, and parent/coach supporting their learning. As all three work together, success is ignited!

You and your family have the option to engage as much, or as little as you desire, with other ILA students and families. Your child will have many opportunities to be part of our community and pursue their interests by getting involved in clubs, activities and virtual field trips. and participating in their homeroom and content live classes. Many children thrive in these types of interactive environments, but we’re also sensitive to those with other preferences or who just aren’t ready yet - but please know you are always welcome!

For important event dates, holidays and breaks, be sure to check our calendar for the latest information.


ILA’s online learning model enables you and your child to determine when and where they learn best. We respect, honor and accommodate each child’s learning differences. Teachers are available to support your child along their journey – if your child gets stuck, they are here to guide them through the process. And if your child wants to work ahead, they are welcome to do that, too!

Your child’s teachers will monitor progress to ensure they stay on track to successfully complete their coursework in the allotted academic term. Meanwhile, you can help your child make the most of each learning opportunity – with offline activities that complement the online program. Students will find their coursework to be engaging, dynamic and interactive.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the onboarding process and if you have any questions, please reach out to us!




Not only will your child have the opportunity to explore their interests and ignite their passions through ILA’s clubs and activities, but middle and high school students also get to choose from more than 140 electives! These electives include business, healthcare, culinary arts, photography, computer sciences, forensic sciences, foreign languages (Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Latin), American sign language, and many more. Having so many options at their fingertips gives them a unique opportunity to discover what they really love before graduating high school.


Your son/daughter can “try on” a career in high school to help them choose a major in college. ILA is excited to offer 14 areas of study:

  • Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
  • Business Management & Administration
  • Education & Training
  • Finance
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Health Sciences
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing, Sales & Services
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Access to such a wide variety of industries enables students to explore their interests, guiding and igniting their future career path.

Please reach out if you have any questions as we are here to support each student’s success.

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